The Official Wholesale Site for Mark Roberts Limited Edition Collectibles and Decor

Yearly Opening Order

All orders are subject to review and must meet minimum order totals to be processed.

 - Christmas (LEX) and Fall Limited (LEF) Edition Collectibles must meet a minimum combined opening order of $1,500 each calendar year. Combined reorders are $250 for the rest of the year.

 - General Christmas (XMA) and Fall (FAL) purchases must meet a minimum combined opening order of $500 each calendar year. Combined reorders are $250 for the rest of the year.

 - Spring Limited Edition Collectibles (LES) must meet a minimum combined opening order of $500 each calendar year. Combined reorders are $250 for the rest of the year.
1611 E St. Andrew Pl,
Santa Ana, CA, 92705

Phone: (800) 745-9755
Fax: (714) 259-0411
Merchandise Mart#17-E15
240 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone: (800) 699-6077
Fax: (404) 221-0885
World Trade Center #470
2050 N Stemmons Freeway,
Dallas, TX 75207

Phone: (214) 745-1880
Fax: (214) 752-4860
Copyright 2020 - Celmol, Inc. dba Mark Roberts.  All Rights Reserved